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February 2023

New York Pork Producers Annual Meeting 2023 A Focus on Small Scale Swine Production

February 18, 2023
Quality Inn - Waterloo
Waterloo, NY

New York Pork Producers Annual Meeting 2023 A Focus on Small Scale Swine Production

This year's meeting will focus on swine production for small-scale producers and will feature lectures on profitable meat marketing, pig pasture management, the National Pork Producers, and an update on African Swine Fever in NY. The New York Pork Producers Annual Meeting will follow. All pork producers and all interested in pork production are invited and encouraged to attend.

Forage and Pasture Management Workshop

February 25, 2023
9:30am - 3:30pm
Pioneer High School
Yorkshire, NY

Forage and Pasture Management Workshop

Registration is now open for this in-person workshop, which features classes on a variety of topics centered around stored forage and pasture management.  

March 2023

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 1, 2023 : Creating an Effective Herbicide Program - SWNY Virtual Field Crops Congress
Online via Zoom

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

With increasing herbicide resistance throughout the NYS, understanding how herbicides function is an important consideration to your herbicide program.

Emergency Relief Program (ERP) Phase 2 & Pandemic Assistance Revenue Program (PARP) Updates

March 2, 2023

Join us on Thursday, March 2 at 6:00 pm to learn more about the updated disaster programs available through the Farm Service Agency. FSA Executive Directors will be on hand to explain the programs and answer producer questions during this time. Registration is required and is available here:

For more information, contact Nicole Tommell, Farm Business Management Specialist, by calling 315-867-6001 or emailing 

For registration or technology assistance, call Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Farm Business Management Specialist, at 716-640-0552 or email

Bovine Reproduction & Artificial Insemination Training (2 day course)

March 7 - March 8, 2023
9:30am - 3:30pm
Spring Hope Dairy
Clifton Springs, NY

Bovine Reproduction & Artificial Insemination Training (2 day course)

Join us for a two-day workshop with hands-on training that will be offered in both English and Spanish in cooperation with Javier Cheang from Genex Cooperative Inc.

Topics to be covered:

  • Bovine reproductive anatomy and physiology
  • Heat detection
  • Artificial insemination techniques
  • Proper semen thawing
  • Loading artificial insemination guns
  • Breeding cows (hands-on practice)

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 8, 2023 : Field Crop Disease Update - SWNY Virtual Field Crop Congress
Online via Zoom

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

Gary Bergstrom will provide an update on the diagnosis and management of field crop diseases in New York including new corn disease tar spot, as well as additional diseases impacting corn, soybeans, and oats.

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

March 15, 2023 : On-Farm Experimentation - SWNY Virtual Field Crop Congress
Online via Zoom

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

Farmers have always experimented allowing agriculture to evolve. While this process is largely overlooked by scientists, advances in digital agronomy allow for the collection of ample contextual data and pooling of information across multiple farms.

Hands-on Calving & Dystocia Workshop - Steuben County - CANCELLED due to low registration.

March 17, 2023
10:30 am - 2:30 pm EST
Steuben County Civil Defense
Bath, NY

Hands-on Calving & Dystocia Workshop - Steuben County - CANCELLED due to low registration.

This hands-on workshop will teach the best calving management practices to minimize stillbirth rates and improve calf and cow health during and directly after the calving process.

In this workshop, under the guidance of Dr. Rob Lynch (PRO-DAIRY) and other CCE Specialists, you will be able to apply the concepts from the oral presentation using a realistic cow and calf model!

This workshop is for both Beef and Dairy producers

NY Beef Producers Association - Region 4 Annual Meeting

March 18, 2023
Alfred State College Farm
Alfred, NY

NY Beef Producers Association - Region 4 Annual Meeting

Open to all interested beef and dairy producers.

Business meeting - election of officers, brief discussion on program ideas for 2023/2024.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jerry Rusch, DVM will be presenting the Relationship between Vaccinations and Nutrition. Dr. Rusch was raised on a grain and livestock farm in Southern Indiana. In 1991 he received his DVM from Purdue University and then spent two years in dairy practice in Eastern Pennsylvania. In 1993 Jerry and his wife, Dr. Karen, purchased Spring Mill Veterinary Service, a mixed animal practice in Mitchell, Indiana where he continues to practice. He works with his beef cattle clients on their vaccination programs and is involved with the Indiana Beef Evaluation and Economics Feeding Program (IBEEF), a retained ownership program through Purdue University. Jerry is currently president and general manager of the Springville Feeder Auction, which is a local farmer owner feeder calf marketing cooperative.   He is also a member of AABP and the Society for Theriogenology. Jerry joined Multimin USA in March 2018.

Tour of Alfred State College Livestock Facilities - Virginia Chamberlain, Alfred State Farm Manager - Opportunity to see the new facilities and learn about the expansion of livestock educational events and courses offered at the college.

This program will serve as a BQA Recertification workshop. If you are Level 2 BQA Certified, you will need to provide an updated Veterinarian Client/Patient Relationship (VCPR) form, if needed please request a form when you pre-register.

Annual Meeting-NY Beef Producers' Assoc. Region 2 & Chautauqua Co. Beef Producers Assoc. for Cattaraugus & Chautauqua

March 18, 2023
5:30 PM
American Legion
Little Valley, NY

All with an interest in cattle are welcome to attend this informational meeting. Membership in these beef producer groups is not required to attend.

Following the buffet dinner, a short business meeting will kick-off the evening including the election of officers. Guest
speakers will share timely information providing participants Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) re-certification credits.

Small Farm Tax Basics (FREE Live Seminar for VETERANS)

March 20, 2023
6pm - 7:30pm
Online webinar

Small Farm Tax Basics (FREE Live Seminar for VETERANS)

Let's go over filing a Schedule F! 

NY & NJ Veterans are invited to join Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm Business Management Specialist,
Katelyn Walley-Stoll, to learn more about small farm tax management in a FREE virtual seminar

The Four Phases of Feeding the Dairy Goat Kid

March 21, 2023
6:30pm EST

The Four Phases of Feeding the Dairy Goat Kid

The Four Phases of Feeding the Dairy Goat Kid presentation will teach attendees prepartum nutrition of the doe, colostrum/nursing phase, weaning phase, and post-weaning phase. Learn the importance of each phase and how each can impact the health, growth, and quality of the kids you raise. Understand management techniques that can positively affect your bottom line when raising replacement does and bucks.

Hands-on Calving & Dystocia Workshop - Cattaraugus County

March 21, 2023
10:30 am - 2:30 pm EST
CCE Cattaraugus County
Ellicottville, NY

Hands-on Calving & Dystocia Workshop - Cattaraugus County

This hands-on workshop will teach the best calving management practices to minimize stillbirth rates and improve calf and cow health during and directly after the calving process.

In this workshop, under the guidance of Dr. Rob Lynch (PRO-DAIRY) and other CCE Specialists, you will be able to apply the concepts from the oral presentation using a realistic cow and calf model!

This workshop is for both Beef and Dairy producers

Fundamentals of Ventilation in Barns for Small Ruminants and other Livestock

March 22, 2023

Fundamentals of Ventilation in Barns for Small Ruminants and other Livestock

Ventilation in barns is essential for the well-being of livestock, particularly small ruminants. This free webinar shares how to plan for and update ventilation systems in barns, particularly old dairy barns, to work for you!

Tools for Farm Succession Planning Series

March 8, 2023
March 15, 2023
March 22, 2023

6:30pm-8pm EST

Do you have a plan in place for transferring your farm business to the next generation?

Join CCE-trained educators for a FREE & Virtual series focused on leveling up your toolbox when it comes to building a strong management team, assessing your business for the future, and tax management considerations when it comes to succession planning.

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

Event Offers DEC Credits

March 22, 2023 : Soybean Cyst Nematode in NY - SWNY Virtual Field Crop Congress
Online via Zoom

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the most damaging pest of soybeans globally, and we are just beginning to identify its expansion into dry bean crops. 

Protecting Against Murphy's Law - For Veterans

March 29, 2023

Protecting Against Murphy's Law - For Veterans

What can go wrong, will go wrong - especially on a farm! NY & NJ Veterans are invited to join Cornell Cooperative Extension Farm Business Management Specialist, Katelyn Walley-Stoll, to learn more about farm risk management in a FREE virtual seminar.


GROW Farmer Forum on Cover Crop Termination

March 29, 2023

Listen in — and bring your questions — as a panel of farmers from the Midwest, South and Mid-Atlantic speak about their experience with cover crop termination methods. 

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

March 29, 2023 : Value of Manure Told Through Five Stories & CAFO Updates - SWNY Virtual Field Crop Congress
Online via Zoom

2023 SWNY (Virtual) Field Crops Congress Series

What is the fertilizer replacement value of manure? How does injection of manure in alfalfa impact the crop? Can shallow incorporation be as effective in conserving N as deeper incorporation? What is the carry over benefit of manure application? 

April 2023

Organic Farmer-to-Farmer Meetings

April 4, 2023 : NYCO Field Crop Meeting
Jordan Hall Auditorium
Geneva, NY

NYCO's field crops meeting has been rescheduled to April 4th, 2023 from 9 am - 1 pm. This meeting is free for all farmers to attend and participants are encouraged to bring a dish to pass for lunch. 

Business Planning for Beginning Farmers

April 10, 2023
CCE-Chautauqua (JCC Carnahan Building)
Jamestown, NY

Business Planning for Beginning Farmers

Business plans for farms are often viewed as yet another chore to do and usually result in dusty binders taking up space on the office shelf. This discussion based workshop will walk you through the mental exercise of planning your future agricultural adventures. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the use of a business plan, the essential components, and a "to-do" list of things to think about to inform future planning efforts. Additional opportunities for one-on-one follow up will also be offered. FSA Borrower credits may be made available for your attendance. This workshop will be taught by Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Team Leader and Farm Business Management Specialist from the Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program with Cornell Cooperative Extension. She is a graduate of Cornell University with a degree in Animal Science and Ag Business Management, and owns and operates a diversified livestock farm.

$5 per person REGISTER

NY Beef Producers' Association Region 1 Meeting

April 11, 2023
Alabama Hotel
Basom, NY

Please see the information below for upcoming regional meetings. Some have fast approaching RSVP dates! For questions on the meetings, contact the respective regional directors.


WHERE: Alabama Hotel - 1353 Lewiston Road, Basom, NY 14013

WHEN: Tuesday, April 11th starting at 5:30pm

RSVP by Friday, March 31st to Alana Welker (585.721.0677 or

COST: $28 Brisket Dinner (with salad bar & dessert) $10 kids meal

2023 SHOP TALKS: Managing In-Field Variability

April 11, 2023
Teelak Farms (Cattaraugus County)
Mansfield, NY

These in-person workshops are for Field Crop Producers to learn more about equipment, crop rotations, fungicides, and various management considerations. Registration is preferred, but not required. Contact Katelyn Miller at 716-640-2047 or for registration and any questions. A light lunch will be provided at all meetings, thanks to our generous sponsors!

Each year presents new challenges for growing feed for your operation. Join Joe Lawrence, Dairy Forage Systems Specialist on Cornell's PRO-DAIRY team, as he discusses how to manage in-field variability to maintain feed quality.

2023 SHOP TALKS: Incorporating Small Grains Into Your Forage System

April 13, 2023
Phillips Farm (Erie County)
North Collins, NY

These in-person workshops are for Field Crop Producers to learn more about equipment, crop rotations, fungicides, and various management considerations. Registration is preferred, but not required. Contact Katelyn Miller at 716-640-2047 or for registration and any questions. A light lunch will be provided at all meetings, thanks to our generous sponsors!

Looking to implement new forages into your crop rotation? Evaluate how small grains like wheat, oats, and triticale can fit into current rotations, and what their value is as a forage.

2023 SHOP TALKS: Breaking Down Fungicides

Event Offers DEC Credits

April 14, 2023
Mahaney Farms (Steuben County)
Arkport, NY

These in-person workshops are for Field Crop Producers to learn more about equipment, crop rotations, fungicides, and various management considerations. Registration is preferred, but not required. Contact Katelyn Miller at 716-640-2047 or for registration and any questions. A light lunch will be provided at all meetings, thanks to our generous sponsors!

Learn how fungicides work, ideal spraying conditions and how to reduce spray drift. Mahaney Farm will speak on their on-farm fungicide program, and how they utilize airplane application on their corn and wheat acreage.

0.5 DEC credits in 1a, 10, & 21

Potluck & Farm Book Swap @ Massachusetts Avenue Project

April 15, 2023
Massachusetts Avenue Project
Buffalo, NY

It's spring, and the plants are beginning to emerge from the ground, so we're making plans to emerge from our farms to gather in community for a potluck on Saturday April 15th.

How to Value Your Business, Planning for the Future

April 4, 2023
April 11, 2023
April 18, 2023


This three-week workshop series for livestock-based businesses will be held online. It is specifically targeted at existing meat, fiber, small ruminant dairy, or other livestock value-added processing businesses. A team of Cornell Cooperative Extension Educators will provide tools to assess your existing business and to assist in understanding options for business expansion or transfer. The workshop series will also be of benefit to livestock value-added business startups and is of relevance to both owners and employees in management positions. 

BEEF X DAIRY FREE Webinar Series

April 19 - April 20, 2023

BEEF X DAIRY FREE Webinar Series

Join experts from Cornell Cooperative Extension and the beef and dairy industries as we explore the potential of beef x dairy in New York.

Managing Weeds on The Farm

April 25, 2023
CCE-Chautauqua (JCC Carnahan Building)
Jamestown, NY

Managing Weeds on The Farm

Do you grow row crops or pasture livestock? If yes, this workshop is for you! Learn everything you need to know about the biology, identification, and control of common weeds impacting pasture and row crop systems. This workshop will be taught by Katelyn Miller, Field Crop and Forage Specialist from the Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program with Cornell Cooperative Extension. She is a graduate of Alfred State College with a degree in Agricultural Entrepreneurship. 

$5 per person REGISTER

All of the Chicken Things - Steuben County

April 27, 2023
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Steuben County Civil Defense
Bath, NY

All of the Chicken Things - Steuben County

New to raising chickens, but want to learn more before making the plunge? Already have chickens, but looking to expand into selling chicken or eggs? This in-person training is for you! We will cover topics including sourcing chicks, brooding, housing, health and disease management, egg production and sales, and meat production and sales.

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Field Crops

Field Crops









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Upcoming Events

Rice Growing Workshop Series (online)

January 24, 2025
February 7, 2025
March 7, 2025

Learn about rice farming opportunities for New York and the northeastern U.S. Join us for a 3-session online workshop series (via Zoom):

  • A Feathered Fortress: The Duck-Rice Aigamo System for Flood-Resilient Agriculture
  • Sourcing Rice Farming Equipment for American Small Farms
  • Growing Rice as a Vegetable: Drip-Irrigation Methods versus Flooded Fields

Marketing Tips for MeatSuite Success & New Processor Directory

February 13, 2025

The webinars will cover new tools, such as MeatSuite's Bundle Builder, to help you move inventory and develop bulk bundle boxes that meet your profit goals and target your customers' needs. Whether you are listed on MeatSuite or just curious to learn more, this series will cover a gamut from marketing to pricing strategies and tips to make the most out of the free resources on

2025 HACCP Training for Meat and Poultry Processors

February 17 - February 18, 2025 : 2025 HACCP Training for Meat and Poultry Processors
Ithaca, NY

The Cornell Agricultural Marketing Research Program (CAMRP) will offer a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Training Program for Meat and Poultry Processors at the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, NY, on February 17 & 18 2025.


No announcements at this time.