Herbicide Supplies and Storage during the Winter

By Dwight Lingenfelter: Penn State Extension
Again, this year, there is a lot of speculation about potential herbicide shortages and price increases on some products for the 2023 growing season. Overall, it does not seem as grim as last year, but indications are that supplies of glyphosate (Roundup, others) and metribuzin should be adequate but likely not back to levels and costs prior to the pandemic. Products such as glufosinate (Liberty, others), metolachlor (plus other group 15 herbicides), atrazine, dicamba, and 2,4-D might be in shorter supply and with higher prices. Also, some products that are packaged in smaller sizes (e.g., 2.5-gallon jugs) might be limited but other sizes such as totes should be more readily available. Furthermore, with volatile supply chain issues involving many aspects of production ag these days, some are asking if it is wise to purchase bulk inventory of herbicides and/or other pesticides. The short answer is yes, if it makes sense economically, it could be a good idea to start making purchases on some of these inputs. Begin now by working with your dealer to discuss these issues. The intent is not to stockpile products but to have a modest supply for use during the next growing season. However, you must keep in mind appropriate storage parameters, namely issues regarding freezing of pesticide products during the winter months. In general, freezing temperatures can change and negatively affect the chemistry of some pesticides inside the container and can also damage the container itself. Premixed liquid products that contain multiple active ingredients seem to be affected more so by low temperatures than single active ingredient products. Some premixes tend to separate in the container and can be difficult to get back into a homogeneous liquid prior to use in the spring. Make sure to read the label for storage instructions. But as a general rule, pesticides are best stored between 40-90°F. For more details and many useful links, please refer to the National Pesticide Information Center's Storage of Pesticides webpage. Another good resource is Penn State's Effect of Cold Temperatures on Pesticides article.
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Rice Growing Workshop Series (online)
January 24, 2025
February 7, 2025
March 7, 2025
Learn about rice farming opportunities for New York and the northeastern U.S. Join us for a 3-session online workshop series (via Zoom):
- A Feathered Fortress: The Duck-Rice Aigamo System for Flood-Resilient Agriculture
- Sourcing Rice Farming Equipment for American Small Farms
- Growing Rice as a Vegetable: Drip-Irrigation Methods versus Flooded Fields
Marketing Tips for MeatSuite Success & New Processor Directory
February 13, 2025
The webinars will cover new tools, such as MeatSuite's Bundle Builder, to help you move inventory and develop bulk bundle boxes that meet your profit goals and target your customers' needs. Whether you are listed on MeatSuite or just curious to learn more, this series will cover a gamut from marketing to pricing strategies and tips to make the most out of the free resources on MeatSuite.com.
2025 HACCP Training for Meat and Poultry Processors
February 17 - February 18, 2025 : 2025 HACCP Training for Meat and Poultry Processors
Ithaca, NY
The Cornell Agricultural Marketing Research Program (CAMRP) will offer a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Training Program for Meat and Poultry Processors at the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, NY, on February 17 & 18 2025.
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