NESARE Invites Applicants for their 2021 Farmer Grant Program
Amy Barkley, Livestock Specialist
Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Program
Northeast SARE is now accepting applications for its Farmer Grant Program. Up to $15,000 is available per project. The online system opens on Oct. 1 and applications are due by 5 p.m. on Nov. 17, 2020. The Farmer Grant Program funds farmers to explore new concepts in sustainable agriculture on production, marketing, labor, farm succession, social capital and other areas through experiments, surveys, prototypes, on-farm demonstrations or other research and education techniques. Grants may not be used to help start or expand farm businesses. Application materials, including detailed instructions and supporting documents, are posted at A webinar on how to apply is scheduled for Tuesday, October 6 from 12pm - 1pm.
Here are links to learn more!
Link to the NE-SARE Farmer Grant Program Page:
Link to the NE-SARE Farmer Grant Program call for proposals:
Please contact Amy Barkley, Livestock and Beginning Farm Specialist, at 716-640-0844 or if you are interested in applying for a NE-SARE Farmer Grant.
Upcoming Events
SWNY Skilled and Modern Trained Butcher Roundtable Discussion
September 16, 2024 : Skilled and Modern Trained Butcher Roundtable Discussion
Olean, NY
Please join this open discussion with local farmers, livestock processors, CCE, academic institutions, workforce development, and more. Your input will help guide strategies to develop a talent pool of skilled tradespeople critical to a profitable local farm and food economy.
Broiler Processing Workshop at Green Heron Growers
September 17, 2024 : Broiler Processing Workshop at Green Heron Growers
Panama, NY
This free workshop brings participants on a tour of Green Heron Growers' organic pastured raised broiler enterprise and a live processing demonstration to share how to safely and humanely process broiler chickens under the 1,000 bird exemption.
Composting Livestock Mortality and Butcher Waste
September 17, 2024
Friendship, NY
Routine and emergency losses of poultry and livestock are significant environmental, biosecurity and waste management concerns. In addition, disposal of offal and butcher waste is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive as renderers close. Mortality composting is cost effective, environmentally sound, compassionate, easy to do, and can be done at any time of the year. This presentation will cover what composting is, site preparation, and how to compost livestock on farms; including the regulations in New York State.
No announcements at this time.