Weekly USDA Farmer's Market Price Reporting is Starting to Come in!

This weekly NY farmer's market price reporting information shows the range and average prices that farmers receive for vegetables, fruit, meats, and dairy products using Square Point of Sale software. Scroll down on this page to "New York State Farmers Market Summary" to see weekly prices. https://www.ams.usda.gov/marke... Keep in mind that the range in prices is due to many factors, including location of the market.
There are also opportunities to get involved and contribute to the price reporting. More about the project is shared below. The more farmer participants the project hosts, the more products will be listed and the more accurate the averages will be.
Farmer Recruitment: Cornell Farmers Market Research & Price Reporting Project
The Cornell Agriculture Marketing Research Program (CAMRP) at Cornell University is recruiting NY farmer participation in research involving the use of point-of-sale (POS) software at farmers markets (FMs). The purpose of the project is to study customer spending and identify opportunities for farms to adopt marketing practices to increase customer spending and daily market sales. Additionally, the POS data can be used to create weekly Farmers Market Price Reports to share average pricing for certain farm commodities (fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy) across the state. We are seeking farms selling fruit, vegetables, meat and/or dairy products at farmers markets to participate and we pay farms $25 for each week of qualifying sales data.
Read more about the research here: https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2023/12/scanner-data-can-help-nys-farmers-boost-market-sales
Farms using Square POS software at FMs are encouraged to join the project. Interested farms can read the project's Required & Recommended Best Practices for Using Square and sign up to participate here: https://farmersmarketresearch.cornell.edu/
The basic requirements of the project are:
- Set up all items in Square with clear names. Examples: "Kale BNCH" or "Potato QRT."
- Include the unit (bunch, quart, bag) in the item name for items not weighed at check-out.
- Record every customer transaction at markets in real-time, including cash sales.
- Use the "Locations" feature in Square so that we know where you're selling. Our team can help you set it up!
- Set up an account on the project website and authorize the Square API.
- Watch this 2-minute video to learn more: https://vod.video.cornell.edu/media/Square+API+demonstration/1_2c4bilmk
Using project data, CAMRP publishes weekly FM price reports through the USDA Market News Report system. We create weekly reports that include price ranges and weighted average prices based on the actual volume of sales for a selection of crops and products. This is done by aggregating sales data from farms and markets around NY, from Buffalo to NYC. All farm and market identities are kept anonymous. Through the rest of 2024, CAMRP pays farms enrolled in price reporting for the project $25 for each week of qualifying sales data.
SEE A SAMPLE NY FARMERS MARKET PRICE REPORT HERE: https://mymarketnews.ams.usda.gov/filerepo/sites/default/files/3783/2024-06-20/841968/ams_3783_00003.pdf
CAMRP is working with USDA to publish weekly FM price reports as well as our own monthly Grocery Store Price Reports. To receive notification of future price reports and CAMRP events, join our email list. To join:
1. Write a new email addressed to AEM-AG-MARKETING-RESEARCH-L-REQUEST@cornell.edu from the email address with which you wish to subscribe.
2. Make sure the body/message portion of the email is blank (delete any signatures).
3. Type the word "join" as the subject of the email and press "send."
That's it, you will have joined the email list. We expect to start emailing price reports in July 2024.
Our team is ready to help, including helping you set up your Square account. Please contact us with any questions or to request help. You can reach Matt at mnl28@cornell.edu.
Upcoming Events
NY Sheep Shearing School 2025
March 15, 2025
East Meredith, NY
This 2-day sheep shearing school is great for beginners and also for those who want to improve their current shearing skills. Doug Rathke, a seasoned shearer, knows what it takes to learn the art of shearing and he knows what it takes to teach it on a level so it can be understood and retained.
This class will give you the confidence to start shearing your own flock or take it to the next level and earn income by shearing for others.
Avian Disease and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - the latest updates and what it means for poultry health
March 18, 2025
In light of the state of HPAI across the country and in NYS, the Poultry Subgroup of the Livestock PWT has developed two webinars to assist small farms and backyard laying flock owners to make informed decisions around getting laying hens and managing disease, while keeping abreast of the current status of HPAI and how they can keep it out of their flocks.
Join Dr. Jarra Jagne of Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine and Dr. Chad Wall of NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets for an evening of learning about avian disease, including Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). We'll cover:
- Updates on the HPAI outbreak
- Symptoms of HPAI
- Common small flock diseases
- HPAI disease look-alikes
- Keeping your birds safe
Shop Talk: Integrated Weed Management

March 19, 2025
Andover, NY
Mike Hunter, Field Crop IPM Coordinator, will share his knowledge on managing weeds. The discussion will cover various management practices in both conventional and organic settings, including herbicide-resistant weeds.
Transition Heifer Calf Program
Join us for this hand-on program and demos! We will be offering this program in English and in Spanish.Calf and heifer managers, dairy herdspersons, farm owners, and heifer raisers interested in learning more about how to better house and manage animals as they transition from the calf phase to the weaned heifer phase.
Topics covered:
Housing Management
Inventory Management
Biosecurity: All attendees must wear clean clothes and boots. You will be required to scrub and disinfect footwear upon arrival to the program and before leaving.
Registration: $25 per person (includes lunch)