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May 2019

Beef Quality Assurance Transportation Training

May 8, 2019
5:30pm - 9:00pm
Lowville, NY

May 1st, Mellissa Spence-315-376-5270 or
No Cost and a Free Meal

Youth Tractor Safety Certification Course

May 9 - May 30, 2019
Thursdays 5-9 May 9, May 16, May 23, May 30 and Saturdays 8:30-12:30 May 11 & May 18
Tully, NY

Youth Tractor Safety Certification Course

Class fee is $30, which includes the training manual.

Class size is limited. Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is Monday May 6

Thursday evenings 5 - 9 pm on May 9, May 16, May 23, May 30 and Saturday mornings 8:30 am - 12:30 pm on May 11 and May 18. The certification exams will be given at class on Thursday May 30th. 

Venture Farms LLC in Tully, NY and Cazenovia Equipment Company in Cazenovia, NY.

Beef Quality Assurance Transportation Training

May 10, 2019
Canton, NY

To Register Call 315-379-9192 ext. 237 or 227
Free and Includes Dinner

Innovations in Organic Vegetable Production

May 13, 2019
3pm - 7pm
Freeville, NY

NOFA-NY Organic@Cornell Summer Field Day Series
Innovations in Organic Vegetable Production

Cost: Free
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Time: 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Vegetable tastings and reception to follow)
Location: Homer C. Thompson Vegetable Research Farm, 133 Fall Creek Rd, Freeville, NY 13068

2019 Pastured Poultry Seminar, lunch included so please register by May 10th! $25/person

May 18, 2019
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.w/ coffee & donuts with the Program running from 9:00 a.m. - 5 p. m.
Attica, NY

The main speaker this year is Eli Reiff of Mifflinburg Pennsylvania. Eli raises broilers, turkeys, sheep, and beef, all on pasture. Topics to be covered will include the pasture, feed and nutrition, marketing, costs, and much more. As we grow as farm operators and get bigger, we may not pay as much attention to the basics as we should. So those areas are where we will start, and then expand to cover the group's interests.

Mike Badger, Director of the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association will also be available for a round-table discussion. Plans are to have representatives from Farm Bureau, NYCAMH for farm health and safety, Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce, and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wyoming County, as well as others.

Human Resource Management on the Farm - 2 sessions! Register by Friday 5/17!!

May 21 - May 22, 2019
12:00 - 2:00 pm (2 sessions! Day 1 CCE- Ontario, or Day 2 CCE - Wyoming)

Are you looking for motivation and resources to implement new Human Resource Management practices on your farm?

Join us for one of two sessions in WNY this spring. At each session, we'll discuss:

  • What Human Resource Management is, and why it's important on your farm
  • Examples of different Human Resource Management practices and how to implement them
In addition, you will:
  • Complete a self-assessment to determine the areas of highest priority for your farm
  • Hear from several local dairy farmers who have recently implemented new HRM practices on their farms.
  • Go home with a plan of action and resources to help you accomplish your HRM goals

Calling all 9th-12th graders! 4th Annual Precision Agriculture Day at Genesee Community College

May 21, 2019
9:00 am - 1:30 pm Register by Friday May 10th! $15/per person includes lunch
Batavia, NY

Calling all 9th-12th graders!  4th Annual Precision Agriculture Day at Genesee Community College
Calling all 9th-12th graders!  We have an exciting new program for students interested in technology, science, engineering, and agriculture!
Would you like to:
  • Learn about how Drones collect information
  • Check out some potential career opportunities that have new and ever-changing technology
  • Learn how these technologies can be used in our own backyards in WNY
  • Discover potential and exciting career opportunities

June 2019


June 1, 2019
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - $5 per person includes morning refreshments and lunch
Lewiston, NY

Peter Grainge has been grazing Scottish Highland cattle on 15 acres of pasture since 2013 and He is slowly bringing the farm back into production. 
Topics to be discussed include:
  •  soil sampling to understand fertility
  •  pasture renovation
  •  forage quality and testing
  •  pasture rotation.

2019 Small Grains Management Field Day

Event Offers DEC Credits

June 6, 2019
9:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Seneca Falls, NY

2019 Small Grains Management Field Day
New for 2019,  the annual field day featuring small grain variety trial information, disease and weed management updates, and crop development and management is being held at Poormon Farms, 3048 State Route 414, Seneca Falls, NY (and NOT Musgrave Research Farm).

Small Grains Management Field Day

Event Offers DEC Credits

June 6, 2019
9:30am - 12:00 pm
Seneca Falls, NY

Small Grains Management Field Day: Thursday, June 6, 9:30am-Noon

Free and Open to the Public

You will have the opportunity to view the Cornell Small Grain Breeding Program's regional variety trials of winter wheat and winter malting barley at this location.

Ins and Outs of the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) Program~Ballston Spa

June 10, 2019
7-8:30 pm
Ballston Spa, NY

Free to attend, registration is required.

Ins and Outs of the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) Program~Cooperstown

June 11, 2019
7-8:30 pm
Cooperstown, NY

Free to attend, registration is required.

Ins and Outs of the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) Program~Fonda

June 12, 2019
7-8:30 pm
Fonda, NY

Free to attend, registration is required.

Understanding EPDs for Genetic Improvement/CNY Feeder Calf Pool and Sale Results

June 14, 2019
6-9 pm
Oneonta, NY

Expected Progeny Difference(EPDs) are a great tool in your tool box when it comes to selecting genetics for your herd.

Putting Carbon in its Place with Regenerative Farming and Biochar

June 17, 2019
4pm - 7:30pm
Ithaca,, NY

Putting Carbon in Its Place with Regenerative Farming and Biochar
Leland Laboratory, Cornell University
42 Caldwell Drive and Medicago Drive, Ithaca NY
Monday June 17, 4:00 PM to 7:30PM

Free and Open to the Public
Please RSVP to
For more information, contact Fay Benson,, 607-745-3807

Webinar: Dairy Margin Coverage Program & Risk Management Options

June 18, 2019
12 pm

Webinar: New Dairy Margin Coverage Program and Risk Management Options Available from the Federal Crop Insurance Program

June 18, 12:00 pm

Pasture Walk with the Finger Lakes Graziers

June 18, 2019
12:45 - 4 pm
Penn Yan, NY

Pasture Walk with the Finger Lakes Graziers
Join the Finger Lakes Graziers on a pasture walk and learn about soil health. 

African Swine Fever Meeting ~ Herkimer

June 18, 2019
6:30 pm
Herkimer, NY

African Swine Fever, the highly contagious and deadly disease affects both domestic and feral hogs and there is NO treatment or vaccine currently available. 

African Swine Fever Meeting ~ Norwich

June 25, 2019
6:30 pm
Norwich, NY

African Swine Fever, the highly contagious and deadly disease affects both domestic and feral hogs and there is NO treatment or vaccine currently available. 

July 2019

Pasture Walk: Custom Grazing Dairy Heifers

July 9, 2019
11:30am - 2pm
Fabius, NY

Pasture Walk: Custom Grazing Dairy Heifers
Join owner/operator Tim Virgil and Cornell Cooperative Extension grazing educator Fay Benson for a pasture walk at a 40-heifer custom grazing operation. The program will cover all aspects of custom grazing dairy heifers.

This program is designed for dairy producers who want to learn more about management intensive grazing. It is also intended for custom grazers and other landowners interested in setting up a heifer grazing enterprise.

This is a free event. Please register in advance so we know how many people to expect.

Dairy Cattle Summer Research Update~Schuylerville

July 9, 2019
7-9 pm
Schuylerville, NY

After the day's work is done?
Come hear about two new research trials conducted by Julio Giordano's Lab.

From No-Till to New Cultivars: Improving Organic Corn and Soybean Production

July 16, 2019
10am - 2pm
Aurora, NY

NOFA-NY Organic@Cornell Summer Field Day Series

From No-till to New Cultivars: Improving Organic Corn and Soybean Production

Cost: Free
Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Time: 10:00 - 2:00 (Lunch included)
Location: Musgrave Research Farm, 1256 Poplar Ridge Rd, Aurora, NY 13026

Dairy Cattle Summer Research Update~Milford

July 16, 2019
7-9 pm
Milford, NY

After the day's work is done?
Come hear about two new research trials conducted by Julio Giordano's Lab.

Dairy Cattle Summer Research Update

July 17, 2019
Ithaca, NY

Dairy Cattle Summer Research Update
July 17, 2019 7-9 pm
Vet Teaching Dairy, Tulip Tree Drive, Ithaca, NY

No cost to attend, but registration is required!

To register:  Contact Shannon Myers at or (607) 391-2662
Questions: Contact Betsy Hicks at or (607) 391-2376

Tie Stall Cow Comfort Meeting and Tour

July 18, 2019
Newark Valley, NY

Tie Stall Cow Comfort Meeting & Tour
Thursday, July 18, 1-3 pm
Lawton's Jersey Farm
581 Bridge St., Newark Valley, NY 13811

No cost for attendance, but RSVP requested for refreshments.

RSVP Shannon Myers: or (607) 391-2662
Questions? Betsy Hicks: or (607) 391-2673

Dairy Cattle Summer Research Update

July 18, 2019
Batavia, NY

Dairy Cattle Summer Research Update
After the day's work is done, come hear about two new research trials conducted by Julio Giordano's lab:
  • Strategies for improving dairy cattle reproductive performance and economics
  • Using automated sensors for improving dairy cattle health monitoring and management

Sundaes on the Farm

July 21, 2019
12pm - 3pm
Barton, NY

Sundaes on the Farm
12pm - 3pm, Sunday July 21
Stronghaven Farm
2601 State Route 17C, Barton, New York 13734

Cost = Free

What's the Buzz? Flies on Cattle?

July 23, 2019

1:00pm - 2:30pm at Dairy-Adon Farm, 403 St Hwy 72, Potsdam
6:30pm - 8:00pm at Beef-Cookeland Farm, 13 Regan Rd, Potsdam

Weed Resistance Management Demonstration and Plot Tour

Event Offers DEC Credits

July 23, 2019
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Waterloo, NY

Weed Resistance Management Demonstration and Plot Tour
Come join us on July 23 in Seneca County at Quinten Good's farm for a demonstration and walking tour of 16 different pre- and post-emergence treatments in soybean and 12 different treatments and combinations in corn.
  • Tall waterhemp and marestail are two weeds that are resistant to glyphosate and ALS herbicide modes of action in the WNY and Finger Lakes regions.
  • Each year the number of acres with resistant weed populations expands.
  • For herbicides to be an effective tool in weed management, we have to know what chemistries & application timings are most effective against these resistant weeds.

Organic Dairy Profit Discussion Group

July 24, 2019
10am - 3pm
Dryden, NY

Organic Dairy Profit Discussion Group
10am - 3pm, Wednesday July 24
Dryden Fire Hall
26 North St, Dryden NY

For more information, contact Mary Kate Wheeler at or 509-294-6073.

Income and Real Property Tax Primer-A Learning Circle for Women Non-Operating Land Owners of Ag Land

July 24, 2019
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Portageville, NY

Income and Real Property Tax Primer-A Learning Circle for Women Non-Operating Land Owners of Ag Land
For many of us taxes can be a mystery, let's have a conversation with the experts about the tax considerations agricultural landowners need to think about. 

Grasstravaganza ~ Save the Date!

July 25 - July 27, 2019

Save the date for this event!

Preventing Sexual Harassment on Farms

July 29 - July 30, 2019
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Preventing Sexual Harassment on Farms
Preventing Sexual Harassment on Farms- Tools for Employers:
Updates and Resources for the NYS Sexual Harassment Regulations 

Preventing Sexual Harassment on Farms - Tools for Employers

July 29, 2019
10:00am - 1:00pm
Homer, NY

Preventing Sexual Harassment on Farms - Tools for Employers
This workshop will bring together agriculture labor experts and farm management specialists from around the state to discuss New York's new sexual harassment prevention laws. The training will help you understand what the new requirements are and how your business can meet them.

Pasture Walk with the Finger Lakes Graziers-Cancelled!

July 29, 2019
12:45 - 4 pm

The Finger Lakes Graziers pasture walk has been cancelled due to some scheduling conflicts. 

THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED Twilight Meeting - Johne's Disease

July 30, 2019

Preventing Sexual Harassment on Farms - Tools for Employers

July 30, 2019
10:00am - 1:00pm
Dryden, NY

Preventing Sexual Harassment on Farms - Tools for Employers
This workshop will bring together agriculture labor experts and farm management specialists from around the state to discuss New York's new sexual harassment prevention laws. The training will help you understand what the new requirements are and how your farm business can meet them.

Beef Quality Assurance Training

July 30, 2019
6:00 pm
Cooperstown, NY

Beef Quality Assurance "BQA" Training

When: Tuesday, July 30th, at 6:00pm
Where: Rock Spring Farm - 490 Mill Road, Cooperstown NY 13326
Cost: $10 per farm
Registration: Deadline July 29, 2019

Twilight Meeting - Johne's Disease: What to Look for, Management Points for Control, Info on Testing

July 30, 2019
Preble, NY

Twilight Meeting
Johne's Disease: What to Look for, Management Points for Control, and Info on Testing

July 30, 2019 6pm-8pm
Preble Hill Dairy
6993 West Bennett Hollow Road, Preble, NY 13141

No cost to attend, but RSVPs are required. Light refreshments will be offered.
RSVP: Shannon Myers, or (607) 391-2662
Questions? Betsy Hicks, or (607) 391-2673

Innovations in Organic Vegetable Production

July 31, 2019
3pm - 7pm
Freeville, NY

NOFA-NY Organic@Cornell Summer Field Day Series
Innovations in Organic Vegetable Production

Cost: Free
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Time: 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Vegetable tastings and reception to follow)
Location: Homer C. Thompson Vegetable Research Farm, 133 Fall Creek Rd, Freeville, NY 13068

Hoof Trimming Workshop

July 31 - August 1, 2019
9:30am - 3:30pm
Stanley, NY

Hoof Trimming Workshop
This two-day hoof trimming workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 31 and Thursday, August 1.
Participants will learn the basic hoof trimming methods, along with hoof anatomy, nutrition & hoof horn health, lameness scoring, and knife sharpening and safety.  *Note: This workshop is designed to introduce participants to hoof trimming methods and factors affecting hoof health.  It is not intended to create proficient hoof trimmers in two days.*

Field Crops

Field Crops









Upcoming Events

Farmers Market and Meat Marketing Workshop - East Aurora

March 4, 2025 : Farmer's Market and Meat Marketing Workshop
East Aurora, NY

This 2-part workshop is for all fruit, vegetable, meat, dairy, and egg producers looking to increase their knowledge of what it takes to improve farmer's market and direct sales performance. Dinner will be provided.

View Farmers Market and Meat Marketing Workshop - East Aurora Details

Parasite Issues & Management

March 5, 2025

The Small Ruminant PWT group is hosting a statewide program on Parasite Issues & Management for Small Ruminants

Featuring guest speaker Jessica Waltemyer, ProLivestock Small Ruminant Extension Specialist

  • Common parasite signs and lifecycles
  • Five point check
  • Treatments and management
  • Resources 

View Parasite Issues & Management Details

Cultivating Profits - Farmers Market Benchmarks

March 5, 2025

If You Do 1 Thing for Your Farm, Do This. 

You're busy. And 2025 is just getting started. But by attending a single Farmers Market Benchmarks Training Session - either in person or via Zoom - you'll gain insights for higher profits, happier customers, and smoother operations.  Plus, it's FREE for any farm or business to attend. Register today! 

Last year, CCE Broome County and the Famers Market Federation of NY launched one of the largest surveys to date of producers who sell at farmers markets. From the data, regional benchmarks have been set that farmers can use to price their products to maximize their profitability. Now is your chance to gain valuable insights to boost profitability in 2025!

View Cultivating Profits - Farmers Market Benchmarks Details


No announcements at this time.