Event Details


May 21 - May 22, 2019


12:00 - 2:00 pm (2 sessions! Day 1 CCE- Ontario, or Day 2 CCE - Wyoming)


5/21 - CCE-Ontario, 480 N Main St. Canandaigua NY or 5/22 - CCE-Wyoming, 36 Center St., Warsaw NY


Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Program

Libby Eiholzer

Human Resource Management on the Farm - 2 sessions! Register by Friday 5/17!!

May 21 - May 22, 2019

Are you looking for motivation and resources to implement new Human Resource Management practices on your farm?

Join us for one of two sessions in WNY this spring. At each session, we'll discuss:

  • What Human Resource Management is, and why it's important on your farm
  • Examples of different Human Resource Management practices and how to implement them
In addition, you will:
  • Complete a self-assessment to determine the areas of highest priority for your farm
  • Hear from several local dairy farmers who have recently implemented new HRM practices on their farms.
  • Go home with a plan of action and resources to help you accomplish your HRM goals

Cost payable at the door: $10/person
Lunch & materials will be included.
Register by Friday, May 17 by calling or emailing Libby Eiholzer, geg24@cornell.edu, 607-793-4847
Meetings supported by NYFVI.

HRM Flyer (PDF; 763KB)

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Field Crops

Field Crops









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Upcoming Events

Farmers Market and Meat Marketing Workshop - East Aurora

March 4, 2025 : Farmer's Market and Meat Marketing Workshop
East Aurora, NY

This 2-part workshop is for all fruit, vegetable, meat, dairy, and egg producers looking to increase their knowledge of what it takes to improve farmer's market and direct sales performance. Dinner will be provided.

Parasite Issues & Management

March 5, 2025

The Small Ruminant PWT group is hosting a statewide program on Parasite Issues & Management for Small Ruminants

Featuring guest speaker Jessica Waltemyer, ProLivestock Small Ruminant Extension Specialist

  • Common parasite signs and lifecycles
  • Five point check
  • Treatments and management
  • Resources 

Cultivating Profits - Farmers Market Benchmarks

March 5, 2025

If You Do 1 Thing for Your Farm, Do This. 

You're busy. And 2025 is just getting started. But by attending a single Farmers Market Benchmarks Training Session - either in person or via Zoom - you'll gain insights for higher profits, happier customers, and smoother operations.  Plus, it's FREE for any farm or business to attend. Register today! 

Last year, CCE Broome County and the Famers Market Federation of NY launched one of the largest surveys to date of producers who sell at farmers markets. From the data, regional benchmarks have been set that farmers can use to price their products to maximize their profitability. Now is your chance to gain valuable insights to boost profitability in 2025!


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