Event Details


March 17 - June 19, 2021


7:30 - 9:00 PM EST


Online Webinar


University of Missouri Extension
Dr. Juan C. Cabrera
573-686-8064 EXT 205

MU Sembrador Huerta Familiar Sostenible

March 17 - June 19, 2021

MU Sembrador Huerta Familiar Sostenible

Here are details of the program:

Name: MU Sembrador Huerta Familiar Sostenible
Dates (Fechas): Every Wednesday from March 17 to June 9, 2021/ Cada miércoles del 17 de marzo al 9 de junio 2021
Class time (Horario): 6:30 - 8:00 PM Central Time/Hora estándar central
Partner institutions (Instituciones colaborantes): Kansas City Community Garden (KCCG) and Missouri Farm Credit Service (FCS Financial)
Registration fee (Costo de inscripción): $100 (no-cost for Missouri residents thanks to a sponsorship by the Missouri FCS)/$100 (sin costo para residentes de Missouri gracias al patrocinio del FCS Financial en Missouri)
Registration website (Regístrese aquí): https://extension.missouri.edu/events/huerta-sostenible-familiar-mu-sembrador or shortened URL https://bit.ly/3tVfI2J
Program description (Descripción del programa): The webinar series will be delivered in Spanish using the Zoom platform. The series will cover topics related to sustainable vegetable gardening, soil fertility, pest management, health & nutrition benefits of gardening, vegetable preservation, leadership & community integration, and considerations/challenges of transitioning to commercial production.
El seminario en línea se impartirá en español utilizando la plataforma Zoom. El seminario cubrirá temas ralacionados al cultivo sostenible de vegetales en huertas, fertiliad de suelos, manejo de pestes, beneficios nutricionales y a la salud, preservación de vegetales, liderazgo e integración comunitaria, y consideraciones/desafíos de la transición a la producción comercial.
• Participants will get (Beneficios al participante): access to video recordings (up to July 9th), Kansas City (KC) residents will get membership to the KCCG, non-KC residents will get seed packets (courtesy of KCCG), no-cost registration for Missouri residents, and a PDF copy of the presentations and resources.
Los participantes tendran acceso a grabaciones de las clases (disponobles hasta el 9 de julio), residentes de Kansas City (KC) recibiran una membresia al KCCG, residentes fuera de KC recibiran paquetes de semillas (cortesía del KCCG), registro sin costo para residentes de Missouri, y copias en PDF de las diapositivas y recursos.
Classes (Clases):
1. ¿Qué es la sostenibilidad?: This class focuses on principles of sustainability
2. Planificación de la huerta: This class focuses on planting dates, site preparation, spacing, and the different systems to grow produce 
3. Cultivos de clima fresco: The class focuses on cold weather crops (planted before the last frost date)

4. Producción en contenedores: This class show how to grow produce in containers and raised beds

5. Fertilidad de suelos : This class covers soil fertility management and how to make compost. We will explore the possibility of making compost as a business opportunity.

6. Cultivos de clima cálido: The class focuses on warm weather crops (planted after the last frost date)

7. Manejo de pestes: The class focuses on pest management following the principles of integrated pest management (IPM)

8. Plasticultura: The class shows benefits of using plastics in horticulture as mulches, row covers, and hoop houses

9. Conectando su huerta a la nutrición y salud de su familia: The class explores the nutritional and wellbeing benefits of growing and consuming produce.

10. Preservación de la cosecha: The class shows options to preserve (add value) produce

11. Autosuficiencia y liderazgo en la comunidad: This class focuses on self-sufficiency and how to organize a community garden and a local market

12. Consideraciones para la producción comercial: This class addresses the considerations and challenges involved in transitioning to a commercial vegetable production

13. Preguntas, respuestas y sumario: This will be a round table discussion in which we will take questions from the audience and we will end with a summary of the program. 

Program Flyer (PDF; 361KB)

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Upcoming Events

2025 Winter NYCO Meetings

January 14, 2025
March 11, 2025

Cornell Organic Grains Conference

February 6, 2025

Join us as we kick off a new tradition! Co-sponsored by NYCO, Cornell Field Crops and more, our goal is to bring together organic grain farmers from across the Northeast to share knowledge and learn from experts across the country. More details to follow. 


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