Event Details
December 18, 2020
7pm - 8pm
Online Webinar
CCE Jefferson
Gabriele Wormuth
email Gabriele Wormuth
How to Better Communicate with Your Local Meat Processor
December 18, 2020COVID-19 has encouraged families to raise their own meat, increasing demand for local meat processing. This online class will go over how to effectively communicate, prepare and plan with your local meat processor, understand the difference between USDA and custom cutting and Q&A with local meat processor, Tyler Ebersol, owner and operator of Ebersol's Custom Cutting, Inc.
This program was created and will be instructed by Gabby Wormuth- Jefferson CCE, Betsy Hodge- St. Lawrence CCE, Mellissa Spence- Lewis CCE and Grace Ott- Clinton CCE.
To register, visit this web page: https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrcumqqT4uHt3-MtEXV15Z1x7bVREdioNo
If you would like more information, need help registering or have any questions, please contact [Gabrielle Wormuth] at 315-788-8450 ext 278 or email grw67@cornell.edu
Program Announcement (PDF; 932KB)