Event Details


June 8 - June 12, 2020


1:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT each day


Online Webinar


This event is free.


Beef Improvement Federation
Dr. Jane Parish


52nd Annual Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Research Symposium Online

June 8 - June 12, 2020

52nd Annual Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Research Symposium Online

The 52nd Annual Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Research Symposium is scheduled for June 8th - 12th, with each days' event running from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT (1:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT). This free event has something for everyone with topics including genetics forecasts, consumer market research, end-user perspectives, sustainability, herd management, and end product improvement. The conference will be held online over the Zoom platform. 

You can register online at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yFXnMzM_RtilHqhFceCsoQ

52nd Annual BIF Research Symposium Online

The virtual event will be hosted online the week of June 8 starting at noon CDT each day. The conference will be hosted on the Zoom webinar platform. By mid-May, participants will be able to regiter for the event, find a detailed schedule and Zoom tutorials.

Below is a tentative schedule (all times are CDT).

Monday, June 8

Noon Welcome


What Will the Purebred Cattle Industry Look Like in 20 years - Bill Rishel, Rishel Angus

Financial Planning for a New Generation of Producers - Adam Trott, Financial Analyst Manager, Rabo AgriFinance

1:45 p.m. BIF Board/Officer election results

Scholarship award presentations ? Roy Wallace, Baker/Cundiff

BIF Ambassador Award presentation

Tuesday, June 9

Noon Tuesday Welcome

12:15 p.m. GENERAL SESSION 1

Consumer Market Research ? What They Say They Need, and They Want - Shawn Darcy, Director of Market Research, National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) Market Research

1 p.m. BIF Awards Program: Commercial Producer of the Year and Pioneer Awards

1:45 p.m. Perspectives from End-User ? What We Need and What We Want - Henry Zerby, VP of Protein Procurement and Innovation, Wendy's Quality Supply Chain Co-Op (QSCC) Inc.

Wednesday, June 10

Noon Wednesday Welcome

12:15 p.m. GENERAL SESSION 2

Global Perspectives on Beef Sustainability - Don Close, Rabo AgriFinance

1 p.m. BIF Awards Program: Seedstock Producer of the Year and BIF Continuing Service Awards

1:45 p.m. Systems Approach to Beef Cattle Sustainability - Dr. Clay Mathis, King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management, Texas A & M University?Kingsville

Thursday, June 11

Noon Technical Breakout - Advancement in End-Product Improvement
Dr. Tommy Perkins, Associate Professor - Dean Hawkins Chair for Cow-calf Management, West Texas A & M

Sources of Variation in Measurements of Beef Carcass Traits Made Using Ultrasound - Dr. Mike MacNeil, Delta G

Genetic Improvement - What does the Grid Data Show Us? - Brian Bertelsen, Vice President of Field Operations, US Premium Beef

Are alternative meats an end-product improvement? - Dr. Alison Van Eenennaam, University of California - Davis

2 p.m. Technical Breakout - Advancement in Emerging Technology
Dr. Megan Rolf, Associate Professor, Kansas State University

Low-pass sequence data in genetic evaluation - Dr. Warren Snelling, US MARC (Meat Animal Research Center) and Dr. Larry Kuehn, US MARC

Application of novel reproduction traits to genetic evaluation in tropical and temperate beef breeds - Dr. Matt Wolcott, AGBU (Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit), University of New England

ImmuneDEX: Measuring and Selecting for Immune Competence in Angus - Christian Duff, Strategic Projects Manager, Angus Australia and Dr. Brad Hine, Research Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia

4 p.m. Technical Breakout - Advancement in Selection Decisions
Dr. Bob Weaber, Professor, Kansas State University

iGenDec: A tool for web-based sire selection - Dr. Matt Spangler, Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

An index to select Angus sires for use on Dairy cows- Dr. Stephen Miller, Genetic Research Director, Angus Genetics Inc. and Dr. Jason Archer, AbacusBio.

BreedObject: Breeding for future profitability - Dr Brad Walmsley, Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia

DeSireBull - a bull selection decision support tool powered by BREEDPLAN - Laura Penrose - New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI)

Friday, June 12

Noon Technical Breakout - Advancement in Efficiency and Adaptability
Dr. Mark Enns, Professor, Colorado State University

Cow Milk Production vs Calf Size - Dr. Travis Mulliniks, Univ. of Nebraska

Genetic relationships between high elevation pulmonary arterial pressure; and feedlot growth, intake and carcass traits - Emma Briggs, Colorado State University

Three critical things you need to know about calculating growth curves using partial body weights - Mark Nelson, GrowSafe

2 p.m. Technical Breakout - Advancement in Producer Applications
Dr. Darrh Bullock, Professor, University of Kentucky

New Selection Tools for Indicus-Influenced Cattle - John Genho, Neogen

BIF Guidelines for Uniform Beef Improvement Programs: New, Improved and Wiki - Dr. Bruce Golden, Theta Solutions LLC and BIF Guidelines Technical Coordinator

4 p.m. Technical Breakout - Genomic and Genetic Prediction
Dr. Mark Thallman, Research Geneticist, US Meat Animal Research Center, USDA-ARS

What is Low-Pass Sequencing Going to Do for Genetic Evaluation? - Dr. Matt Spangler, Univ. of Nebraska and Dr. Mark Thallman, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center

Increasing Accuracy of Genomic Predictions: From SNP Chips to Sequence Data. - Dr. Daniela Lourenco, University of Georgia.


The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) is an organization dedicated to coordinating all segments of the beef industry ? from researchers and producers to retailers ? in an effort to improve the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of beef production. The organization was initiated almost 70 years ago to encourage the use of objective measurements to evaluate beef cattle. Continuing the tradition, BIF is now the clearinghouse for developing standardized programs and methodologies for recording of performance data for all traits, from birth weights to carcass traits. Its three-leaf-clover logo symbolizes the link between industry, extension and research.

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Upcoming Events

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The webinars will cover new tools, such as MeatSuite's Bundle Builder, to help you move inventory and develop bulk bundle boxes that meet your profit goals and target your customers' needs. Whether you are listed on MeatSuite or just curious to learn more, this series will cover a gamut from marketing to pricing strategies and tips to make the most out of the free resources on MeatSuite.com.

2025 HACCP Training for Meat and Poultry Processors

February 17 - February 18, 2025 : 2025 HACCP Training for Meat and Poultry Processors
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The Cornell Agricultural Marketing Research Program (CAMRP) will offer a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Training Program for Meat and Poultry Processors at the Cornell University campus in Ithaca, NY, on February 17 & 18 2025.


No announcements at this time.