Reflecting on Tar Spot in 2022
Excerpt from P. Esker and A. Collins: Penn State ExtensionThe tar spot situation in Pennsylvania
While tar spot was first found in Pennsylvania in late 2020, its spread was limited in the commonwealth until recently. This year (2022), tar spot was found across the majority of southern PA and in western PA into the Lake Erie region. This tar spot map (Figure 1.) shows counties with officially confirmed reports, but given the current distribution, there is a high likelihood of tar spot presence in unreported areas. We want to emphasize that there were no reports of yield loss due to tar spot in the areas affected.
How the pathogen survives and spreadsThe fungus that causes tar spot can survive our PA winters in corn residue on fields, in stover, and uncomposted bedding. We also hypothesize that the fungus can live and overwinter in certain grassy weeds. When the weather becomes favorable to the fungus in the summer, spores will be produced from these reservoirs and blow on the wind or splash onto fresh corn plants.
What we should do about tar spotKnowing tar spot has been detected in your county is not a reason to plan to spray next season. While we are still learning about the conditions that favor development, you can think about this as you do for diseases such as gray leaf spot and northern corn leaf blight. We typically see these diseases every year, but we often do not benefit economically from a spray for them. Instead, knowing tar spot has been found near you means you should now be scouting for symptoms earlier in the season (say, by July 4th) so that you can track arrival and progress to inform your fungicide decisions better. Suppose tar spot is detected early in a field (like during vegetative or early reproductive growth stages), and disease-favorable weather conditions are predicted for the next few weeks (mild and moist). In that case, an application may be warranted. Because tar spot is new to the regions where we test fungicide efficacy in the northeast, we currently know very little about optimal fungicide timing.
If you have detected tar spot on your farm or a neighboring one, talk to your seed dealer about selecting hybrids that are not highly susceptible to this disease. While no hybrids are completely resistant to tar spot, seed companies are beginning to learn which are poor performers under pressure. In Pennsylvania, we have not yet had sufficient disease pressure to test the performance of the hybrids in our public field trials.
Finally, strategies to increase the decomposition of corn residue in an affected field may help reduce the inoculum for the next season. Realistically, the number and proximity of corn fields in our state mean that tar spot inoculum will likely be able to blow in from areas outside of your control but reducing the fungus' survival could prolong the time before the onset of disease in any given field, and this may allow you to miss a susceptible window for your crop.
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September 16, 2024 : Skilled and Modern Trained Butcher Roundtable Discussion
Olean, NY
Please join this open discussion with local farmers, livestock processors, CCE, academic institutions, workforce development, and more. Your input will help guide strategies to develop a talent pool of skilled tradespeople critical to a profitable local farm and food economy.
Broiler Processing Workshop at Green Heron Growers
September 17, 2024 : Broiler Processing Workshop at Green Heron Growers
Panama, NY
This free workshop brings participants on a tour of Green Heron Growers' organic pastured raised broiler enterprise and a live processing demonstration to share how to safely and humanely process broiler chickens under the 1,000 bird exemption.
Composting Livestock Mortality and Butcher Waste
September 17, 2024
Friendship, NY
Routine and emergency losses of poultry and livestock are significant environmental, biosecurity and waste management concerns. In addition, disposal of offal and butcher waste is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive as renderers close. Mortality composting is cost effective, environmentally sound, compassionate, easy to do, and can be done at any time of the year. This presentation will cover what composting is, site preparation, and how to compost livestock on farms; including the regulations in New York State.
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