Amy Barkley

Amy Barkley

Livestock Specialist

CCE Erie County
21 South Grove Street
East Aurora, NY 14052

cell 716-640-0844

Areas of Interest
beef, sheep, goat, and poultry production; beginning farmer support; product quality and consistency

Amy BarkleyAmy grew up on a small farm in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and earned her Bachelor's Degree in Animal Science with a minor in Poultry and Avian Science from Penn State University. After graduation, she attained her Master's Degree in Animal Science from Penn State, where her research focused in renewable, alternative bedding materials for broiler production and their impacts on broiler performance, welfare, and the environment. Following graduation, Amy worked in quality assurance for a national egg company, working with farms of all sizes across the nation to ensure compliance in food safety, nutrition, product quality, and animal welfare. Amy and her husband Zach reside in East Concord, NY on a farm which they are excited to make their own. In her free time, she tends to an extensive garden, small orchard, and honeybees, and loves cooking and baking. Amy is looking forward to working with area farmers to ensure their current and continued success.

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Field Crops

Field Crops









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Upcoming Events

2025 Winter NYCO Meetings

January 14, 2025
March 11, 2025

Cornell Organic Grains Conference

February 6, 2025

Join us as we kick off a new tradition! Co-sponsored by NYCO, Cornell Field Crops and more, our goal is to bring together organic grain farmers from across the Northeast to share knowledge and learn from experts across the country. More details to follow. 


No announcements at this time.