Event Details
April 10, 2019
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., $10 payable at the door
Letchworth Pines
6985 State Route 19A
Portageville, NY
Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops ProgramLynn Bliven and Joan Petzen
585-268-7644, ext. 18
email Lynn Bliven and Joan Petzen
Your Land as Your Legacy - Conservation Values a Special Invitation for Women Landowners.
April 10, 2019The discussion will be informal and informative, facilitated by Lynn Bliven and Joan Sinclair Petzen from Cornell Cooperative Extension. Legacy and conservation professionals Jerry Cosgrove, J.D. with American Farmland Trust and Dave Bojanowski from the Genesee Valley Conservancy will share information and answer questions about legacy planning and farmland protection and conservation.
This learning circle is part of the "Landowners and Farmers Working Together for Clean Water in the Great Lakes Project", a collaboration between American Farmland Trust, Cornell Cooperative Extension Northwest New York Dairy Livestock and Field Crops Team, Wood County Soil and Water Conservation District, IPM Institute and Utah State University funded by the Great Lakes Protection Fund.
Space is limited, reserve your spot today! Pre-registration requested by April 8th, $10 payable at the door includes lunch and educational materials. Contact Lynn Bliven, 585-268-7644 Ext 18 or email: lao3@cornell.edu
Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by calling 585-268-7644, Ext. 18 no later than 5 days prior to the event to ensure sufficient time to make arrangements. Requests received after this date will be met when possible
Land Legacy Flyer April 2019 (PDF; 338KB)