Event Details
March 19, 2019
6-8 pm
CCE Madison County Extension Office
100 Eaton St
Morrisville, NY 13408
$10.00 First person
(additional attendee $10.00 ea.)
Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Program
Livestock Techniques Hands-on Workshop ~ Morrisville location
March 19, 2019Come join Ashley McFarland, Area Livestock Specialist with the Central New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Team, for a hands-on workshop focusing on management practices for livestock. She will be teaching participants the proper ways to administer vaccinations, ear tagging, ear notching, castration and proper restraint and safety while working with animals.
To register for the Herkimer location, go here https://cnydfc.cce.cornell.edu/event.php?id=838
Or fill out the registration form on the attached pdf and return it along with a check made payable to CCE to:
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Herkimer County5657 State Route 5Herkimer, NY 13350.Make checks payable to: Cornell Cooperative Extension
Please call 315.866.7920 if you have any questions.
Registration must be received in the office by Thursday, March 7, 2019.
Registration allows us to communicate any cancellations or changes in arrangements.
Note that if you receive a blank registration confirmation, please email herkimer@cornell.edu and we will forward you the correct confirmation. This has been a problem for some email servers such as Yahoo and Verizon.
Livestock Techniques Workshop (PDF; 322KB)