The Landowner & Utility-scale Solar Decision

Event Details


October 26, 2021


9:30 am - 3:00 pm


NYS Grange Building
Cortland, NY


CCE Cortland County

Dana Havas

To register:

In order to reach the state's goal of 50% renewable energy by 2030, New York State is providing many benefits for solar developers since solar is a feasible way to achieve this goal. The push for solar development in NYS makes farmland and other 'open' landscapes located near transmission lines rather valuable. This increase in value has the potential of benefiting the landowners who are being approached by solar developers with options to purchase or lease land for utility-scale solar development, but it does not come without questions. Utility-scale solar development is a new arena with many unknowns leaving these landowners feeling as if they do not have enough information to make an informed decision - specifically pertaining to 1) leasing, 2) development concerns, and 3) regulations.

On Tuesday October 26th, at the NYS Grange Building in Cortland NY from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cortland County, and co-sponsored by the Cortland County Soil & Water Conservation District, will be hosting an event that will provide farmers and other landowners with information that addresses the topics of utility-scale solar development, leasing, and regulations. From 9:30 - 1:30, with a break for lunch, attendees will join in a webinar hosted by the statewide CCE team and covers the topics outlined above. From 1:30 - 3:00 attendees will be given an opportunity to engage in a Q&A with local panelists. The panelists will include 2 farmers who are currently working with solar developers, 2 municipal representatives who have been regularly engaged in this conversation, and the Energy & Climate Change Team Leader at CCE Tompkins.

Registration is required for the event and a registration fee of $10 will go to help cover the costs of lunch, speaker, and location fees. You can register at or call Dana Havas, CCE Cortland Ag Team Leader, at (607)391-2664. A remote option will also be made available, and more details will be shared as the event gets closer.

Cornell University COVID protocols will be followed, which currently states that individuals must practice social distancing, and masks are required for all vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals when inside. Guidelines will continue to be monitored and adjusted accordingly.

The Landowner & Solar Decision (PDF; 6423KB)

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