Event Details
January 22, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online Webinar
This event is free.
CCE Ulster
Understanding Climate Change and its Impacts on Local Agriculture
January 22, 2021Climate change is a complex subject affecting a wide range of people and communities. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County's (CCE Ulster) Agriculture Department often responds to calls with questions such as, "How will climate change affect my crops and livestock?" and "What can be done about it?". In response, CCE Ulster is partnering with the Cornell University Climate Smart Farming Program to bring the latest science-based research to interested residents.
Together, the team will present on the background of climate change and what climate change means for agriculture in the Hudson Valley. Dr. Phillips will demonstrate how she is working to make her farm more climate-resilient.
To register for this free event, you can use this web link: https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrdO2pqToiGtLtryHKotkGolVQ7qRC5MpY
Registration closes on January 20th.