Event Details
February 1 - March 11, 2021
7-8:30 pm
Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops ProgramCCE Broome County Presents: Annie's Project: Risk Management for Farm Women
February 1 - March 11, 2021Annie's Project is a six-week online experience designed especially for farm women to help them develop their management and decision-making skills for their farms. Annie's Project is designed for farm women who have been in farming, or agri-business, or part of the food system for three to five years, and want to develop their understanding, interpretation, and opportunities in sustainable agriculture. Annie's Project gives farm women the opportunity to learn from female agricultural professionals and network with other women in similar situations.
Annie's Project provides education in production, price or market, financial, institutional and legal, and human and personal risk. At the end of six weeks, participants will:
- Understand personality types to communicate better with business partners
- Put family living expenses together with other costs of doing business on the farm
- Identify production risks on-farm and prioritize risk management strategies to minimize losses
- Design & Interpret balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow projections to make business decisions
- Review labor laws, requirements, and their implications
- Develop an inventory of current Human Capitol & make a plan to address any weaknesses and contingency plan if a 'position' becomes open
- Understand farm family labor vs off farm labor. how to offer benefits & when it's time to hire outside help
- Communicating and expectations of family vs hired labor
- Insurances to cover HR
- Payroll taxes
- Understand how assets are titled and learn about estate planning tools
- Consider available marketing opportunities
- Understand tools and resources for stress management & farm equipment needs specific to farm women
The cost is $45 for the series and includes a portfolio, access to an online learning platform and access to all presentations and worksheets, access to financial and legal advice, and support from a variety of community partners. The series will take place on Mondays & Thursdays, February 1st-March 11th, 7-8:30pm via Zoom. This year we are waiving the fee for women veterans interested in getting into agriculture. For more information on this, please contact Nina Saeli at ns963@cornell.edu
To register, click here: https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/winter2021anniesproject_203. For more information on the curriculum and program logistics, please contact Laura Biasillo at lw257@cornell.edu