Event Offers DEC Credits

Event Details


January 19 - January 21, 2021






(additional attendee $45.00 ea.)


Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Program

SWNY Field Crop Series 2021

January 19 - January 21, 2021

January 19, 2021 from 11AM - 12PM

Problematic Weeds of Southwest NY and Best Management Practices
   Palmer amaranth is one of the most problematic weed species in the United States. Its biology and ability to become resistant to multiple classes of herbicides make this weed very difficult to control. We will discuss biology, identification methods, closely related species, and management tools for this newly found weed species in Southwest New York. In addition, we will discuss research being conducted at Cornell University on weeds like marestail, Johnsongrass, and waterhemp.

January 20, 2021 from 11AM - 12PM

Problematic Diseases of Southwest NY and Best Management Practices
   This course will provide detailed information around integrated pest management and strategies for controlling these pests in corn and soybean production systems in SWNY; specifically disease control. Several of the surrounding states are noticing the new disease, Tar Spot of Corn, and it is making its way north. Here we will explore management options for ear rots, stalk rots, and new emerging diseases in NY.

January 21, 2021 from 11AM - 12PM

Problematic Insects of Southwest NY and Best Management Practices
   This course will provide detailed information around integrated pest management and strategies for controlling these pests in corn and soybean production systems in SWNY; specifically insect control. It was confirmed in 2020 that Soybean Cyst Nematode has spread to 23 additional counties in NY. SCN is the most destructive pest of soybeans in the US. We will learn about management options for this pest as well as other pests in the state.

Attendees looking to get 3 pesticide credits will need to be present for all three sessions. Each session is worth 1 credit, you will only get a credit for the session you are present for. Certificates will be available at the end of our last session.
Please bring your Applicator ID cards with you.
*Credits are pending DEC approval*

SWNY Field Crop Series 2021 Flyer (PDF; 1098KB)

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Upcoming Events

2025 NYBPA Annual Conference & Membership Meeting

January 24 - January 25, 2025
East Syracuse, NY

The 2025 Annual Conference starts Friday afternoon with a cash bar, registration, and annual membership meeting. Dinner to follow with keynote speaker Kevin Ochsner, Beef Farm of Excellence Awards Presentation, and Supreme Show Program Sponsorship auction. Trade show and silent auction to benefit the Jr Scholarship Fund all weekend long. Saturday starts with the trade show and breakfast at 8:00AM followed by speakers at 8:30AM. Lunch includes the Annual NYBPA Awards and Junior Awards Program. Hotel accommodations can be found below. Be sure to book your room today!  

Setting Your Farm Financial Resolutions - Erie County

January 25, 2025
East Aurora, NY

The start of a new year is the perfect time for farm businesses of all shapes and sizes to reset their financial management. Join this INTERACTIVE workshop to start your farm off on the right path towards financial success in 2025. 

Topics include: Record Keeping, Tax Management, Financial Goals, and Strategies for Profitability. 

Participants will receive handouts that can be used throughout the year and a quarterly farm financial checklist.

Untangling Land Rental Rates, Ag Districts and Leasing Considerations

January 29, 2025 : Free Webinar hosted by CCE Broome

Join us on January 29th for this informative webinar with Farm Business Management Specialist, Katelyn Walley at 5:30 pm.


No announcements at this time.