Event Details
May 20, 2020
6:30 pm
Free Call
Cornell Farmworker Program
Dr. Jose Canario
(607) 224-8821
"Suggestions to maintain good health during the reopening of NYS" - In Spanish
May 20, 2020
The Cornell Farmworker Program and Finger Lakes Community Health hosts una llamada en Espanol gratuita con el Dr. Canario. El Dr. Canario hablar sobre practicas para mantenerse saludable durante la reapertura en Nueva York y responder a sus preguntas. Registrese lo mas pronto posible. Escoja una manera para registrarse. Recibir un mensaje con instrucciones para conectarse a la llamada el 20. Regstrese por telefono al (607) 224-8821. Incluyasu nombre, ciudad donde vive y si tiene preguntas.
The Cornell Farmworker Program and Finger Lakes Community Health hosts a free call with Dr. Canario. Dr. Jose Canario, Medical Director of Finger Lakes Community Health will discuss practices to stay healthy during the reopening of NYS and respond to questions. Please register as soon as possible. Choose one way to register. You will receive instructions on how to connect to the call on the 20th.