Event Details


April 9, 2020


9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, & 3pm.


Pultneyville Lodge
4035 Lake Rd
Pultneyville, NY 14538


$90.00 per employee

Spirometry will be an additional $60


Cornell Cooperative Extension Wayne County

315-331-8415 x117

** CANCELED ** OSHA Compliant Fit Testing & Training

April 9, 2020

Although we do not know the implications of not getting Fit Tests done for this year, prior to spraying, please see info in link below. Your priority should be on getting new employees tested and trained.

More information is online at:

Alternate ways to get this done have been identified, Please contact Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wayne County at: 315-331-8415 


In collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension Wayne County, Wayne County Farm Bureau and the Finger Lakes Occupational Health Services (FLOHS), are offering the opportunity for Fit Test and Training provided by the FLOHS. Dates are: April 1 & April 9. 

Each day will have time slots on the hour at: 9am, 10am, 11am and 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. 

We are allowing 8 people each time period. You may not get your first choice, please bear with use in scheduling. We will keep a waiting list. If you need Spanish translation, please let us know. 

The price: The fit test, training and medical questionnaire will be $90 per employee (Same as last year). Spirometry will be an additional $60 for those who need it. Please make out the check to: Finger Lakes Occupational Health Services.

1. Respirators will NOT be available on site
2.The employees need to come with respirators and clean particulate filters
3.Employees need to be clean shaven where the respirator seals to the face

Per OSHA guidelines, all employees need to be clean shaven!!
The employer shall not permit respirators with tight-fitting facepieces to be worn by employees who have: Facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and the face or that interferes with valve function; or, any condition that interferes with the face-to-facepiece seal or valve function.

Respirators will NOT be available on site. The employees need to come with respirators and clean particulate filters as well as being clean shaven where the respirator seals to the face. 

There are a limited number of slots. Reservation slots will be filled as they are received on the phone between the hours of 8:30am - 4:30pm, starting Friday, February 21 by calling Judy at the CCE Office at 315-331-8415 ext. 117.

As we receive registrations you will receive more information on preparation and the health documents.

Fit Test Flyer (PDF; 654KB)

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Upcoming Events

SWNY Skilled and Modern Trained Butcher Roundtable Discussion

September 16, 2024 : Skilled and Modern Trained Butcher Roundtable Discussion
Olean, NY

Please join this open discussion with local farmers, livestock processors, CCE, academic institutions, workforce development, and more. Your input will help guide strategies to develop a talent pool of skilled tradespeople critical to a profitable local farm and food economy.

Broiler Processing Workshop at Green Heron Growers

September 17, 2024 : Broiler Processing Workshop at Green Heron Growers
Panama, NY

This free  workshop brings participants on a tour of Green Heron Growers' organic pastured raised broiler enterprise and a live processing demonstration to share how to safely and humanely process broiler chickens under the 1,000 bird exemption.

Composting Livestock Mortality and Butcher Waste

September 17, 2024
Friendship, NY

Routine and emergency losses of poultry and livestock are significant environmental, biosecurity and waste management concerns. In addition, disposal of offal and butcher waste is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive as renderers close. Mortality composting is cost effective, environmentally sound, compassionate, easy to do, and can be done at any time of the year. This presentation will cover what composting is, site preparation, and how to compost livestock on farms; including the regulations in New York State.


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