Event Details
February 18, 2020
9:30am - 1:30pm
Bovine Supply Plus
7508 Loon Lake Road
Hornell, NY 14843
(additional attendee $20.00 ea.)
Pay by card online, cash or check accepted at the door day of.
Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops Program**CANCELLED**2020 Winter Update - Steuben County
February 18, 2020
Cornell Cooperative Extension's Southwest New York Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program
Meet the newly formed team consisting of four specialists working in the areas of Farm Business Management, Field Crops, Dairy, and Livestock as they present timely and helpful information for your farm business!
Cost: $20/person to cover lunch, light refreshments, and meeting handouts.
Please register at least 4 days prior to your preferred location's event. Pay with a card by registering online.
Call: Kelly Bourne at 585-268-7644 ext. 10
Email: klb288@cornell.edu or kaw249@cornell.edu
Online: swnydlfc.cce.cornell.edu/events.php
9:30am - Doors Open & Registration
9:40am - Introductions
Welcome from the team and program overview.
9:50am - Local CCE Association Updates
Timely information from Executive Directors and County Agriculture Educators.
10am - Kathleen McCormick, Agriculture Educator, CCE-Erie
Farmland for a New Generation New York supports a network of Regional Navigators that provides training and on-the-ground customized support for farmers and landowners in regions across NY.
10:15am - Amy Barkley, Livestock Management Specialist, SWNYDLFC
Soil Sampling for Pasture Management is a way to optimize the quality of your pastures. We will discuss best practices, interpreting your report, and helpful tips for amending pasture soils.
10:45am - Joshua Putman, Field Crops Specialist, SWNYDLFC
2020 Pest Update - What pests should you be looking out for this season and how could they potentially impact your field crop and forage production?
11:30am - Alycia Drwencke, Dairy Management Specialist, SWNYDLFC
Optimizing calf care is an important part of your operation to promote healthy and efficient production. We will discuss some of the management strategies that support optimal calf care on farm.
12pm - Katelyn Walley-Stoll, Farm Business Management Specialist, SWNYDLFC
How are the new Ag Labor laws affecting your farm business? Learn about tools and resources to help you manage these new regulations along with information about financial analysis for your dairy or livestock farm.
12:45pm - Lunch Discussion
Join us for an informal discussion on regional needs, challenges and opportunities the industry faces, and programming ideas for Cooperative Extension.
The SWNY Dairy, Livestock & Fields Crops Program offers educational programming and research based information to agricultural producers, growers, and agribusinesses. Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and education recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individual with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities. For accommodations, please contact Katelyn Walley-Stoll, 716-640-0522 or kaw249@cornell.edu.
Meeting Dates and Locations:
February 18th - Steuben County
Bovine Supply Plus
7508 Loon Lake Road
Hornell, NY 14843
February 25th - Cattaraugus County
28 Parkside Drive
Ellicottville, NY 14731
March 3rd - Allegany County
5435A County Road 48
Belmont, NY 14813
March 10th - Erie County
Roycroft Campus - Dard Hunter Hall
21 South Grove Street
East Aurora, NY 14052
March 31st - Chautauqua County
Carnahan Center @ JCC
241 James Avenue
Jamestown, NY 14702
Program Information (PDF; 1402KB)